CCR and Technical Dive Training

Taking the Tech out of Technical Diving
Imagine you had never seen a desktop, laptop, tablet, or handheld device before. Now imagine someone set them all down in front of you and says, “Here you go, run your entire life with all of these devices and call your mom at the same time. Ready, Set, Go!”
Maybe some of you would be purely overwhelmed by the thought of calling mom, but the rest of us would do one of two things:
1. Run for the hills
2. Start opening up owners manuals to figure out how all this stuff works.
Some of us might even call our moms to help us. The point is we all use technology everyday that is just as sophisticated as the equipment we use in technical diving. Technical diving has been put in a spotlight because we are a tech savvy community looking for “techy” things to do.
The goal of Yippee Expeditions is to take the Tech out of Technical Diving. Our dream is to see CCR diving become mainstream. CCR’s use current technologies in order to operate safely. We use highly sophisticated technology everyday when we pick up our hand held device and do 2, 3, maybe even 4 tasks all at the same time on the same device. We are not saying it is easy to learn CCR diving. What we are saying is CCR diving can and most likely will become as commonplace as conventional open circuit diving. With the proper foundation of practice laid down, a prudent diver will literally enjoy hours of underwater exploration all on one dive.
If you enjoy planning and properly executing mission oriented dives, Yippee Expeditions provides proper dive planning techniques and orientation programs to help you get there. The courses showcased here are a great way to build the foundation for a great future of great diving.
Start the journey into Technical Diving and let us help you Take the Tech out of Technical Diving!